In the commercial construction industry it's imperative that we stay on the forefront of any new trends in our industry. Clearly toll booth construction is soon to be a thriving niche market. Although on the surface it would appear this is a new an innovative way to create a new revenue stream for government. It clearly is not, as this video depicts all too well. They say history does not repeat, but it rhymes. Hopefully tolls work better than it did for these guys. I look forward to building some toll booths here in CT. If you only have lemons, I guess you can make lemonade?
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Yes construction will thrive with new toll roads, however will the government really thrive from this new revenue generating project or will they just break even?
Great point. Unfortunately, one of the biggest challenges for commercial construction firms today is the tighter project timelines that have become the norm at every phase of a project – from shorter deadlines for submitting initial bids and budgets, to quicker resolution on addendums and change orders, to compressed schedules for construction and delivery.